Multi Industrieanlagen GmbH  |  COMPANY  |  COMPANY
MULTI INDUSTRIEANLAGEN ‐ Who are we and what do we stand for?

We are an owner-managed, medium-sized company that has been active in the national and international marketplace since 1998.

Quality, safety, and the protection of health and the environment are central elements of our company policy that determine how we act.

We emphasize sustainability in all areas of the company and strive for sustainable company development. This applies to our relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees as well as to the way we manage resources.

Our success is based on our qualified and motivated staff.

We go well beyond simple compliance with legal regulations and enthusiastically accept our responsibility to society with our social, ecological and economic contributions.

Despite our international activity, we are rooted in the local community and, as part of our social responsibility and social engagement, we support numerous associations through sponsorship and donations.

Some examples of this are our sponsorship of football, handball and golf.

We take an active part in associations and industry initiatives and collaborate with universities.

And, we are committed to innovation and are engaged in our own research and development activities in the area of hydrogen use.

Our responsibility and our contributions!

Multi Industrieanlagen GmbH

Zschorlauer Straße 56
08280 Aue / Sachsen
Phone: +49 3771 598688-0
Fax: +49 3771 598688-29

ISO 9001
Quality Management System
© Multi Industrieanlagen GmbH